Today the two members that form Dr. Me, Ryan and Mark, paid a visit to our college studio and guided us through a collage zine making workshop.
They provided us with some really interesting material to make small, very lo-fi zines with, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The workshop was a really welcomed break from the pressures of COP, and has provided me with some interesting work which I plan to work into and potentially use in future projects. The techniques they encouraged us to use were very straightforward and I will definitely remember them for future briefs in level 06.
At the end of the session, I approached Ryan and Mark to discuss the potential for work experience, but unfortunately they had to decline due to the size of their studio and the scope of work that they undertake. Dr. Me is the type of studio environment that I could see myself working in, and I was fairly disappointed that I wasn't able to secure some work experience with them. However, I will aim to keep in touch with them, as they both seemed like genuinely nice guys and they will be good contacts to have for when I graduate.