At the beginning of the year, a few of my class mates approached me and asked me if I wanted to contribute to a project that they had started last summer. I said yes, and began working on some digital work that I would submit to be featured on a double page spread in the zine. The zine's main focus is tackling issues surrounding feminism. However, it also doubles up as an art and design zine, so I contributed something that was quite far removed from feminism.
I submitted a series of digital collages that examine appropriation and recycling of found imagery. My fellow class members designed the rest of the zine, put my images into a layout and typeset my description of the work. I think as a whole the zine looks great and definitely has a very bold and unapologetically feminist aesthetic. I am really pleased to be a part of the project and it will definitely be good to continue my involvement with it.
We sent the zine to print in February and we got 50 prints back in the post. We all chipped into the printing prices, and sold the zines for £2 and will hopefully make the money back from the printing. As a design group, we're definitely going to continue this project after our uni work has finished (we feel this has hindered our progress with the zine as everything was moving quite slowly), so we can focus on the zine, push it forward and develop it into a worth wile project and hopefully get some recognition for it.
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