OUGD502 - Creative Report - Contacting Peter Judson

I contacted Peter Judson via email for the creative report. This is a practitioner that I have only recently come across while researching for my COP essay. His work relates massively to the themes that I am exploring in my essay and practical work. Judson is a designer/illustrator based in London, so I thought it would be beneficial to get in contact with him as he works in my home town. He is also a print maker, which instantly caught my attention. His work is categorised by its unique, bold aesthetic has drawn comparisons to Nickelodeon cartoons, The Simpsons, retro video games and the latter works of Roy Lichtenstien. Judson doesn't reveal too much about his inspiration, which I think is interesting. It's almost as if he doesn't want people knowing what excites him. Having graduated from Kingston last summer with a degree in illustration, I thought it would be worth while getting in contact with him to pick his brains about graduating from university and entering into the large world of the creative industries.
I read a recent interview with Judson at HungerTV.com and found his answers to the pretty obvious questions entertaining, this made me excited to potentially have a conversation with him myself. Below is the message that I sent to Peter via email and I am currently awaiting a response.
Hi Peter,
My name is Cameron. I'm a budding creative, studying Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art. I am in my second year of study, currently starting to build up a network of contacts in the creative fields. Recently, we have been assigned a project in which we are required to produce a report on a practitioner we admire. I was drawn to your vibrant style of illustration and find your work really exciting, and it would be great if you could spare a few moments of your time to have a chat with me about your creative practice. Please feel free to email me back at cameronjwolfe@hotmail.co.uk or contact me on 07846541440, to arrange something that works for the both of us.
Many thanks,
Cameron Wolfe
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