Monday, 29 February 2016

OUGD502 - Taking Care of Business - Feedback

Tutors comments

"Good idea denoting an ‘E’ for each member. Pity Izzie was missing, but ‘hey ho’ that is the foundation of any business, ‘Poop’ happens and it was well overcome as no one knew or realised anyway.
It is a common situation in business anyway, not everyone is available all the time…who feeds the cat back at the office and answers the telephone?

Good share breakdown to gain parity and the recognition of the safer option of a Limited company. Really good tone of voice as a business, could have had more consideration of intonation and pace for effect. Interesting use of the Manifesto and your policies.
All in all a very good presentation, cohesive and comprehensive. The use of collaborative practice and having ‘friends’ is good as it illustrates an awareness of the diversity of briefs and the potential need to collaborate with other ‘strengths’.

Costings were considered and a good hourly rate of £89 per hour is realistic as a start up and makes it slightly easier to raise prices incrementally as you grow. 
I loved the ‘7 deadly sins’ and a creative platform that demonstrates a sense of identity too. Costings and research was directed and considered to add a ‘realist"’ element and a feeling of viability too.
Well done and you can build on this if you feel like it?"

I was really pleased with the feedback received for this project. I think as a team we pulled it together and nailed the presentation on the day. The build up to the presentation was stressful for a number of reasons and I was relieved when it was all finished. Overall, I feel Amelia and myself worked really well together, there was a lack of contribution from the rest of the team for a lot of the time, but everything came together in the end. I feel that I could definitely work with my team members in a professional context, as we gel so well and share similar creative visions which is key to any successful partnership. I am unsure whether I would attempt to set up a business of any description with my group after graduating the course. 

Taking Care of Business made me realise that I actually am unsure whether or not I want to enter straight into a studio upon graduation. I am actually quite fond of the idea of setting up an arts cafe somewhere in Leeds with a few of my friends from outside LCA. Either that, or do placements/intern ships at as many places as I can, gain a lot of information, skills and contacts and see where that takes me. Ideally I would look to be doing that across the UK and Europe. This brief has put those dreams into perspective which I have found very useful to my development. 

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